College course - 10 words

 I started a new photography course. On the first day class was asked to choose ten words that define what photography means to us individually.

My ten words are as follows:


From the ten I chose freedom to expand on.

I like the freedom which can be a process of photography. It allows us to break free from the shackles of our "normal" lives and help me to see and record anything that I so choose. In my mind I'm able to roam the bounds of creativity which is virtually limitless. I'm able to capture colours,forms,moods, turn concepts on their heads break the learnt rules of the medium and reconstruct them if I want to. Then break them all over again and see what happens in the process. I'm able to learn about my past, my history, from those before me and be influenced, and go forward to where they may have gone had they still been around.


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