In considering the the images of Vivian Maier and those in the masters of street photography book. I came to the realisation that in street photography the possibilities are limited only by our own imagination.

You can shoot in black and white, in colour and in all formats.you can shoot close-up, from a distance,the shot can be framed in a myriad of ways.

You can play with shadows,shape,form,patterns, and nuances, etc.

Societal changes can be depicted, chronicled, and depicted. i.e. Race relations over time, Governmental shifts over time , locations over time , structures of family and family and therefore society's values over time.  

Vivian Maier 

Jesse Marlow (Top)

Alex Titarenko (Bottom)

The street Photographer I'd like to add is photographer called Gordon Parks. He also worked in other genres of photography. But I'd like to feature him as my street Photographer of choice.He was also a poet, musician and novelist, etc. Which puts him in an excellent position for understanding the nuances of street photography.



Photographs by Gordon Parks.

For my street photography project i'd like to shoot Black youths. They're often stigmatised and marginalised by society, and put in a bad light. Especially Black male youths. I'd like to address this issue and photograph and document them in a positive light. See examples of this in images by Gordon Parks.

For the project I might stay in my locality or perhaps visit another location. I've yet to decide.

The feasibility of this project is guaranteed.


For the stop and return project. The importance of health and safety cannot be overstressed. There were times when I placed the camera in my bag and on its own on the floor. These times were when I had to remove or replace clothing due to the weather. Because I stayed outside in the cold it was important that I had warm clothing to last the duration of sessions. I had to be very careful that the equipment didn't get in people's way and trip them up which could have caused an accident. I also had to keep my  eye on the equipment so that it wouldn't be stolen. And make sure that I had any spare accessories i.e. (batteries) as it would have been impractical to go back home if I hadn't.

Also because of the cold weather and the possibility of rain. I had to be sure that I was situated in a location where my equipment wouldn't be damaged by the weather. It would have been very expensive to repair or replace. So taking all the above into consideration there were no unexpected mishaps. The sessions went well.


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