I was still fiddling around with my Pentax k20d up until I was about to leave my hotel for a walking tour of Krakow. Walking to the meeting point at Barbican I met an array of different English speaking people waiting for a few more to arrive and for our guide to instruct us. The tour was about two and as half hours long. Expectedly on the tour we got to know the history behind several landmarks in Krakow. The group included an Australian photographer who introduced himself to me. I got to find out about his introduction into photography, equipment, experiences, etc.In turn I told him about my lost Nikon and what i've used in the past and now. 
Naturally I shot some pictures. Which I promise I'll let you see soon. I also got Ian the Australian guy to make a short clip with the group and tour guide . The soon came to an end. It didn't seem like two and a half hours to me.After saying our goodbyes. As planned I went for a relaxing couple of hours at a local sauna. Where I somehow managed to lose my locker key and was told that if I didn't find them I'd have to pay a fee greater than the entrance price!!!! 
Did I eventually find them? I'll let you guess....


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