It was my first day back in class since the holidays. We looked at  different types of portrait photography. And were told that this would be the theme of our assignment, for this term. To get us started, we were paired up, and instructed to make photographs of each other in the various pairs. Our brief was to imagine how we'd like to be depicted, i.e. as a different person in an imagery setting......
I went to the park nearby the college with my partner, and we made our photographers there. 
As my Canon EOS 5D MIl was still being repaired. I used my Pentax K20D, a Tamron 18 - 250 macro zoom lens. So did my partner, as she didn't think that she'd need it today.
Having returned to to he college after making the photographs. I suddenly realised that I'd left my notebook in the park. For which I hurridly returned to retrieve. Thankfully, the dogs who'd been enjoying their walks in the park. Had left it intact.

.                 Solitary book and pen in the park.


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