UNIT 7 2.3 IDENTIFY PRESENTATION FOR A PHOTOGRAPHY PORTRAIT PROJECT. PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY PROJECT - THE EMPOWERMENT PORTRAIT. A selection of shots that led to my final intimate photography project with "Bubbles".

For this week's project we were asked to empower an individual. By asking how they'd like to be potraid as the subject of a series of photographs. I stopped this man who said he was on his way to work, but was very willing to help.
He said that he'd like to be potraid as someone richer that he is. As I had a short window of time. I just started making pictures there and then. I thought that with his bag, his clothing and his demeanor he already looked undersatedly rich and successful ( notice the PRADA jacket ). 
This was I think demonstrated in the environment shot. 
The head and shoulder shot made him look like a moody super model. And the close up shot depicts a very confident individual. I used my Pentax K20D, with a Tamron 18-250 3.5 macro zoom lens. Because i'm still getting used to this new setup, I used the camera's programed mode. 
The gentleman's thought of what a Portrait should be like didn't differ from mine. As I think a person can be depicted in whatever manner they like. Be who they like. After all it's just a fantasy, and not how they really are in their everyday life. Plus because of the limited time available, once he told me how he'd like to be depicted, I also had some input. 

These empowerment images are shot that led up to the final intimate portrait project with "Bubbles"



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