The Story so far....

Regarding the Canon 5D Mii which i've been writing about. Due to the fact that my Nikon kit lens for the lost D5500 got stuck on the thread of an adapter i still haven't been able to use it so far. In fact it's been taken for repair. In the mean time i've been able to pick up a second hand Pentax K20d at a very competitive price. I've also purchased a tamron zoom lens from the same seller. I'm still however getting used to this camera. Having said that I used it on New year's day to make some photographs of the London parade. I've yet to publish any of those. At the time of writing I'm in Krakow Poland for a short break. I've already made some photographs here and will do today. Today is in contrast to yesterday. Looking outside there's some sunshine and it's a bright day, but I know it's cold. I'll be going out this afternoon for a walking tour of the city. Watch this space.........


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