UNIT 7 (LO1) - Understand contextual perspectives and approaches to photography. AC 1:1 Identify and critically compare contextual perspectives and approaches to photography. RESEARCH - Two photographers from the genre i've chosen to consentate on - PLUS - another photographer from my second choice.

MY GENRE is conceptual (constraint/restriction/experimental)photography and STREET - candid.
Born in Providence, Rhode Island. KALLIOPE  attended high school in Rhoboth, Massachusetts. Coming from a extremely creative family.
Upon grading she moved to New York city where she experimented with modelling, acting and performance poetry. 
She eventually stumbled upon photography and taught herself about the subject. She began working exclusively with self - potrait in 2007. Her early self - Potraits focused on character studies, costuming and makeup. Her style developed into conceptual photography with an emphasis on picturalism and surrealism. She said that she gets pulled towards surrealism and experiental, because that's how her mind works, plus she like the distortion, deconstructionism and the experimental aspects of both, the the back and forth, the horrifying and beautiful.

For her photographs she initially relied on in camera effects. In her, Resurrection Ophelia series. She positioned herself behind glass, acrylic, and textiles. The series was exhibited in her hometown at the community college of Rhodes Island and appeared in the premier issue of Dark Beauty magazine and Omen magazine. She also attached a lot of strange things to her camera. Like fabrics, handmade filters and shoots behind surfaces like, glass, papers and transculant fabrics.
In case things goes wrong she older DSLR's. She is a big Canon fan and use the 50D 60D and older Fuji and Sony cameras if she wants intentional low quality and grain.She had a project which used distorted materials. In her series glass houses, she appears in a series of surreal and distorted self - Potraits which look as if the were submerged in water. Of the series Lanais Trendvision, she wrote " the mirror is just a surface. Exactly like the photographs that portray it. They cannot be hidden under the patina : the distortions of our fears,the destructing push of our desires". But kalloiope searches for just that spirit. In her distorted self - Potraits she explains what she calls "the fluid nature of our identity".

KALLIOPE says that being both the subject and object of her photographs gives a unique level of creative control.

Born and raised in a small Minnesota town. She craved adventure from a young age and was always as curious as a cat, wanting to know who, what, when, and why. By the end of junior year at high school she felt she had out grown her surroundings and decided to attend college in Minneapolis in her senior year. There she studied film instead of the typical high school courses. After a second year of film and visual effects, she decided to focus herself on photography. 

She has always seen things differently and the idea and the idea that every person, place, and thing has a story to tell is integral to her personal and professional life. Her desire to find the remotest of location - Places other people drive pass  - has no limitations, even if that means trespassing. Once there, she revels in both the rich history and beautiful simplicity of each unique setting.

For seven and a half years she provided commercial lighting for photographers throught Minnesota and the Midwest until she finally transitioned her career focus. Her intense love of creation and expression steered her towards personal projects involving both still photography and video work. After wearing several hats within production for the last ten years, her main focus and passion is still in editing, under the surname HBee LLC. Byington's passionate case of her field and craft always brings something special to the table.

She's currently resides in Minneapolis, after tromping around the desert and Pacific Northwest for the last 4.5 years, traveling to wherever the next project calls.

Born I Hungary in 1894 KERTESZ is know for his realistic and sensitive scenes of everyday life. He was one of the founders of photojournalism. And has influenced both street photographers and journalists. He pioneered in using a small camera, producing snapshots of images with unexpected details.

His remains best known for his contributions to photojournalism, employing distinctively dynamic compositions throught his influential photo essays. Prizing emotional impact over technique, he famously remarked " l just walk around observing the subject from different various angles until the picture elements arrange themselves into a composition that pleases my eyes. I do what I feel, that's all. I am an ordinary Photographer working for his own pleasure. That's  all  I've ever done. 


The moment always dictates my work. What I feel I do. That is the most important thing for me. Everybody can look, but they don't necessarily see. I never calculate or consider ; I see a situation and I know it's right, evn if I have to go back  to o get proper lighting. 


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