UNIT 7 The photographic project. (LO1) Understand photographic research LO1 1.1 Identify a subject for a photography project.

(LO1) 1.1 Identify a subject for a photographic project.
After the initial empowerment  sessions, which led up to this : The photographic project. This is the Subject who  I chose for the final  project. His name is : Bubbles. I'd thought of making my choice from a few friends, but due to unavailability and camera shyness this was not to be. 
1.2 Carry out research for the project.                       I did research on a number of photographers for the project. These included : Martin Parr, Donato Di Campo and Andre kertez. Evidence of this can be found on the relevant labeled pages of unit 7.  Also as previously mentioned, in my preparation for : The photography project. I also consentrated on the empowerment project, this informed some of my decisions and approaches for : The Photographic project.

To begin the Photographic project. I made the first 100  pictures of "Bubbles".  This was the beginning of 3 sessions. The total number of photographs to be made over the sessions was 500.
On the first session, I made photographs in his living room and outside his flat. I had total control and direction of the shots indoors. But once outside  " Bubbles " almost took over. He kept throwing poses without my prompting. He is a natural. The following photographs are the ten best of the first the first sessions. 

This week I made 200 photographs of "Bubbles". 100 were made indoors and 100 outdoors. Some of the indoor shots were under exposed. I didn't make enough of the needed adjustments to the shutter speed and aperture. The kitchen was darker than the living room, where the previous week's shots were made. This was not anticipated, plus l didn't use the camera's flash. 
All being said. Here are the 10 best shots for this session.

This was the final week of the 500 photo shoot.
I was able to meet up again with 'Bubbles'. And having exhausted all the usable rooms in his flat. I decided to use his stairwell for the indoor shots.  And the  outside of his block of flat, the park across the road and a local high street for the outdoor shots.
These are my final selections from the shots made.

(LO2) Be able to produce a photographic project.
2.1 Identify photographic resources to complete a photographic project. 
For this photography project, I used a Nikon D500 SLR camera with a Sigma 18 - 200mm f : 3.5 - 6.3 DC Zoom lens. For the initial shots I also had a UV filter attached to the lens. I also used a SanDisk Ultra 100 MB/s 64GB memory card. Everything was shot in RAW. In post - production, I used lightroom and made the needed adjustments to the images. 

2.2 Produce photographic images to meet identified goals. 
The images above are a selection from the project. 

2.3 Identify presentation forms for a photographic project. 
I placed a couple of the images online. Also a selection are placed on my blog. These are two ways in which my photographs were presented. I could have also produced a photography book or a zine and also presented them there. Also they could have been uploaded to other online platforms or pages. I could have even featured them in a photography exhibition. 

2.4 Analyse and evaluate the photographic project.
The photography project was a challenge and a success. At the outset I didn't know if "Bubbles" would accept the offer to be involved. Needless to say I was very pleased and relieved when he did. Then there were the times when due to our schedules we were unable to meet for shoots. Time when the weather prevented it also. However, during all the aforementioned, we were able to develop a good working relationship. And althought the project has now been completed. I still keep in contact with him. And who's to say there won't be another photography project in the future? 


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