
Showing posts from November, 2022

UNIT 6 - OUR photography class met at Shoreditch for street photography. Here are some of my shots.

Series of street shots from the first group meetup in Shoreditch East London. (by Devon Green)     

UNIT 6 Street Photography (Assignment for 20/11/22.

 The class was asked to shoot street photography. Here are some of my work.

UNIT 6 (LO2) - Understand characteristics of the camera system systems. AC 2.2: Identify camera characteristics in relation to image outcomes. I made images with different camera settings to illustrate the various outcomes.

 The purpose of this assignment is to make a range of different street photographs. Also to evaluate each photograph, and to detail the technical process it took to make them. For my first picture I wanted a wide angle shot to capture everything in view. I used a focal length of 22mm, I thought 400 iso a speed of 1/640 would be good for this shot. Shot number 2. This wasn't given much forethought, but I noticed the gentleman walking towards me and felt he would be ideal subject. I adjusted the focal length slightly to 32mm. I was fairly close to the subject. Iso 500 , shutter 1/640 aperture f/6.3. Given the immediacy of the shot. I thought it turned out well. Shot number 3 From my vantage point I spotted a man begging and thought he'd be a good subject as I pointed the camera towards him I noticed he kept turning away because of not wanting to be photographed. However he didn't try to stop me in anyway. I adjusted the focal length to 90mm, iso was adjusted to 800 to suit co...

UNIT 6 (LO2) - Understand the characteristics of the camera systems. AC 2.1: Identity the characteristics of different camera systems and related equipment. Researched different camera systems, film types, lenses etc, styles of photography produced with various equipment.

 Two kinds of cameras systems are DSLR and mirrorless. DSLR or digital single lens reflex differed from mirrorless in that with the DSLR the light goes straight up into an optic viewfinder which allows you to see precisely what the lens is looking at. This is a true optical path, with no digital processing in the middle. SLR cameras also work the same way the difference being that one has to use film, which has to be processed after being exposed. When a photograph is made - i.e. the shutter is pressed a mirror which is angled at 45% moves out of the way which enables the light from the lens to fall on a sensor to be processed. (With a Single lens reflex the light falls on the film .) Mirrorless on the other hand, as the name suggests has no mirror. The light passes through the lens and straight onto the sensor to be processed. It's then  displayed either on a monitor or at the back of the camera, or on the electronic view finder (EVF) which in essence is a very small monitor....