
Unit 8 1 (LO1) Understand lighting sources for photography. AC 1.1: Identify and critically compare a range of light sources for photography.

LO1 Understanding lighting sources for photography. AC 1.1 Identify and critically compare a range of light sources for photography. There are various sources of photography.  Daylight : Daylight is determined via the weather as well as the time. Morning, Afternoon, Evening, night. At different times of the day the picture will vary, from light to darkness. There's also the elements which rain, lightning, clouds, etc. Which can all affect the outcome of the picture. Artificial Light : Artificial light is basically  Strobe light (Flash). This light is produced in sharp bursts of light to illuminate the subject in and outside the studio. Strobe light can be used in various ways. As backlight, mainlight, fill light, or a combination of all. Strobe lights can be huge stand alone lights, or can be in the form of a compact  Flashgun/Speedlight. Which can be mounted in the camera and also off.  It is said that the first artificial light was fire. All forms of li...

UNIT 8 & 9. (LO1) Being able to use lighting sources for photography. RESEARCH painting by three artists. ONE TO REPRODUCE as a PHOTOGRAPH. UNIT 9 DIGITAL imaging and printing.

UNIT 8 LIGHTING IN PHOTOGRAPHY 3 (LO3) BE ABLE TO USE LIGHTING SOURCES FOR PHOTOGRAPHY. A.C.3.1 use a range of lighting sources to photograph a range of subjects to meet identified goals.  INCLUDING STILL LIFE. Unit 8 Lighting in photography. Learning outcome 3 (LO3)  Being able to use light sources for photography. RESEARCH three artists one for possible use in the studio. THE THREE ARTISTS AND PAINTINGS I CHOSE ARE: 1) REMBRANDT'S - THE APOSTLE PAUL 2) PIERRE - AUGUSTINE RENOIR - THE READER 3) STEFANI ORMAS - SMILE. Throughout his life Rembrandt focused on the apostle Paul, maybe because Paul's writings were the most important source of the Reformation theology, or perhaps he personified what Rembrandt considered the Christian ideal of someone who received God's mercy without merit.  Sitting at home in his prison cell, the apostle ponders the words from God he's about to write in the letter to the Ephesians. The serious strong features underscores his beli...

UNIT 7 The photographic project. (LO1) Understand photographic research LO1 1.1 Identify a subject for a photography project.

(LO1) 1.1 Identify a subject for a photographic project. After the initial empowerment  sessions, which led up to this : The photographic project. This is the Subject who  I chose for the final  project. His name is : Bubbles. I'd thought of making my choice from a few friends, but due to unavailability and camera shyness this was not to be.  1.2 Carry out research for the project.                       I did research on a number of photographers for the project. These included : Martin Parr, Donato Di Campo and Andre kertez. Evidence of this can be found on the relevant labeled pages of unit 7.  Also as previously mentioned, in my preparation for : The photography project. I also consentrated on the empowerment project, this informed some of my decisions and approaches for : The Photographic project. To begin the Photographic project. I made the first 100  pictures of "Bubbles".  ...

UNIT 7 (LO1) - Understand contextual perspectives and approaches to photography. AC 1:1 Identify and critically compare contextual perspectives and approaches to photography. RESEARCH - Two photographers from the genre i've chosen to consentate on - PLUS - another photographer from my second choice.

MY GENRE is conceptual (constraint/restriction/experimental)photography and STREET - candid. Photographer 1) KALLIOPE AMORPHOUS Born in Providence, Rhode Island. KALLIOPE  attended high school in Rhoboth, Massachusetts. Coming from a extremely creative family. Upon grading she moved to New York city where she experimented with modelling, acting and performance poetry.  She eventually stumbled upon photography and taught herself about the subject. She began working exclusively with self - potrait in 2007. Her early self - Potraits focused on character studies, costuming and makeup. Her style developed into conceptual photography with an emphasis on picturalism and surrealism. She said that she gets pulled towards surrealism and experiental, because that's how her mind works, plus she like the distortion, deconstructionism and the experimental aspects of both, the the back and forth, the horrifying and beautiful. For her photographs she initially relied on in camera effects. In ...